During our yoga adventures, the kids:
My name is Lisa, and I am the creator of laLa! I’m a Registered Yoga Teacher & Continuing Education Provider with a certification in Children’s and Family Yoga from Rainbow Kids Yoga and Yoga In My School. I grew up living and working in the early years community. I also grew up experiencing mental health challenges both personally and in my family. I really wish I would have had a self-care practice like yoga when I was younger … it’s why I’m so passionate about bringing these practices to children and the adults who serve them. I am a proud Physical Literacy Champion with the PLC Network in the Region of Peel, was named one of Brampton’s Top 40 Under 40, and am the author of I’m a Growing Yogi .. the first of many laLa kids yoga stories to come! About laLa Wellness
laLa stands for love and Light always. It’s the philosophy that all laLa Yoga and Mindfulness programs are rooted in. In school, you were taught your ABCs and 123s, how to read, how to write, how to solve math equations and about the history of our country, but did you have a class on self-love, compassion, or resiliency? These skills must be encouraged in more creative ways, and are ideally planted as seeds in the early years. laLa wellness provides fully equipped Yoga & Mindfulness Programs for children aged 0 – 6. |